Friday, January 18, 2008

to snow... or not to snow

My advice to my students who want the day off tomorrow due to the possibility of an impending snowstorm is the following:
1-Put on your favorite pajamas both inside out and backwards.
2-Grab a cup with a few ice cubes.
3-Stand at your back door (front might work, but there is more of a risk of other's seeing).
4-Open the door and turn your back to the great outdoors.
5-Throw the cubes, one at a time over your shoulder and into the universe
(or yard) while asking for a giant snowfall.
6-Get some sleep just in case this doesn't work... because we will have a test in life science class if there is school.

I predict a mere 2 hour delay, but hope for the whole day. If anyone reads this before morning... help me out ok?

Light snow his evening...then snow...freezing rain and sleet after midnight. Snow and sleet accumulation of 1 to 3 inches. Additional ice accumulation of up to one tenth of an inch. Near steady temperature in the lower 30s. South winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
The only way to survive these wretched winters is to get the occasional snow day off from work.... :) BTW, it's not snowing yet...

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